Thursday, December 18, 2008
First was by the year of 1985 BBBs old boys. Was invited and attended after some reservations.To tell the truth, couldn't remember anyone before the day but glad I went with SH. Gave us a rousing welcome. More important, began to recollect and recognise quite a few of the boys. Some other teachers were there too so it was a good night.
Second one involved the UM group of 1979 batch of Bsc with Ed graduates. Didn't attend cuz it was held in Penang. Organiser was a bit irritated with non attendance.
Point to note for both the events. It isn't easy to get attendance. There are those who agree but don't turn up and generally, most people are cautious about meeting up with old friends. So a point to note. Don't expect too much. It is hard work,and you won't get much thanks but just do it as you want to and that's it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
last week of november
Thursday, November 27, 2008
being a blogger
Old friends
The chatting was truly nice. Good to know that they are enjoying the challenges of school. Waiting to welcome YK to the world of retirement. To MK and ST, carry on the torch and care for the kids.
As for myself, reminded myself not to be a 'yellow-faced -woman' (Cantonese version of a typical pea brain housewife) now that I am retired.Ha Ha Ha Friends, do let me know if you see signs of the colouring!
my birthday
who bought this truck of cow dung?
- to get out of depression, to stop oneself from being arrogant or just a good thought, remember 'this too will pass' How true when one is happy and how important to remember when one is sad.
-to be a counsellor , remember you are supposed to be a dustbin collecting all kinds of thoughts and comments not forgetting feelings, but more important a dustbin with a hole at the bottom because you can't shoulder every body's burden.Very true for those of us who are good listeners
-in many situations in life; when there is nothing we can go, just do nothing. This is equivalent to the Christians who tell you to leave things in the hands of God. That is why I always believe the true religion always teaches the same things but they put it in different ways.So don't condemn the next religion and always remember that there is a BIG difference between what God say and what religious leaders say.
-3 most important questions and ans
1. when is the most important time
answer is now. (Remember the poem about yesterday being a dream and tomorrow being only a vision?)
2. who is the most important person?
the person you are with (and this could mean yourself when you are alone)
3. most important thing to do? to care. (And I guess this mean to love and not to hurt.)
Good read, highly recommended. And read with an open mind if you are not a Buddhist.
comments from readers
1. have you stop blogging
ans. No just that so many things and one thing always lead to another and there is no end. conclusion....retirement Not equal more time . Just time for different things
2. Your blog very long. very lazy to read.
ans. So you know mothers are long winded in spoken and written form. Ha Ha Ha . so promise to make things shorter.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I thought of my mother whom I lost 17 years ago and the things we went through together. Did I love her enough? I wish I could have don't more for her but I know I can't due to my own shortcomings and my immediate family. Sadly also, I know deep down why it happened.
I thought of my one and only sister. She whom I love and feel close to.How she love me and love my children. It touches deep and that is where I am grateful to my parents and siblings for teaching me to love deeply and passionately. Later I will decide if it went over the limit to spoiling. For now, I just love and care as I feel it.
My eldest son as he goes through his patch of life.Where he stand or rather where all of us stand.Right or wrong, should or shouldn't. How, why.
Myself...... I have turn to telling instead of asking.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
To my 3 kids
It brought me to think about the next phase of the family.The arrival of an in law not that it is any time soon but the reality is there.How will she or he take to the family and what precautions do we need to be aware of to welcome him or her. Gosh it sound like some physics experiment but actually it is because my command of English is not good enough to make it sounds right.
Our family is a very closely knitted one. As a parent, one can be proud to see the kids being so close to their siblings loving caring teasing hugging and missing each other sincerely in time of absence.To date, they are still sharing most of their thoughts and problems with us. But how does the new addition take to these?
As parents, we have to learnt to let go and let the union be one. At a church wedding a pastor once said it is a union of a man and a woman and the couple need to leave the parents. I wasn't sure what he meant by 'leave' but I have my own interpretation. To 'leave ' is to mean that the parents must respect and understand that the couple need to live their own life with minimum interference. They have the right to make their own decisions. We need to take a step back. But 'leave' doesn't mean to be detached from them. We still have a role to play when advice is asked for.Words of caution could be given when needed.In other words stay at a distance.SF mentioned of a divorce when the husband is too attached to the mother and it didn't go down well with the wife. On the tone, I guess I need to caution against too much hugging and kissing!As a parent, if they ever need to choose, I would rather they choose their spouse than me. That is why I always felt that the most important thing in the choice of a life partner is that there is a strong love between them and not skin colour, religion or physical beauty.
I need to declare that these are my personal thoughts and reflections. I stand corrected in future but until such time, the kids are welcomed to remind me of this post. Love from mummy.
Meeting Up
Raya week was a good week. It started with daddy away for his quarter meeting and since grandma wasn't around I had a good time with the kids; planning, cooking and just relaxing. Au and me followed daddy to Seremban and after waking up Ed, had breakfast with his friends and enjoyed a leisurely drive back to KL.Of course, the kids insist I was checking Ed's room after 1 month. Well I did look around and clean some things (which mother wouldn't)but I declare and insist I wasn't checking on him. Mummy's honour...... not that it mean anything to the kids!
During raya's first day, old friends (old old friends as in school mates!) meet up. Thank you to SF for arranging. Suppose to be tea potluck style. Ended with 2 contribution of egg tarts, 2 contributions of cakes plus bubur and rojak. That's what you get when nobody wanted to commit earlier their contributions. But it doesn't matter. we still had a good time and I hope the 2 hubbies didn't have much to complain to their wives.
It is always refreshing to meet up old friends. I enjoy the carefree talk and the exchange of news.Maybe after being in the working world so long, I miss genuine friends. (as I blogged before)Talk that has no trace of keeping up with the next one, not deciding if the topic of conversation is safe, if what you said will used against you etc. Yes, I have no regrets keeping the friends that I have and I hope to enlarge this circle of friends.
Thanks again SF for making the effort and thanks too to SF, LP, LS and KW for being friends.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Is it a way of life and the way of thinking to help us through life? It sounds like a set of thoughts and rules to follow and to have total trust.
For me, I always believe there is a God and He is almighty. He decides and rule over all. We can plan but He decides. But I believe too that He gave us a brain so He expects us to use it too. Not only to decide His role but to be conscious of consequences and results. Some call for blind fate. It is good if one can attain it. Then all one does is sits on the train and do as one feels since He is at the wheel and He knows all. What a blissful way to live this life? But what if it has consequences on others. What if the train causes accidents and hurt others along the way. What if others you love are not on the train? Do we leave them behind if they refuse to get on? After all we are on it? Isn’t it selfish? I don’t think I can do that. I will get off the train and do what I can to help those that are not on it. It is good to find bliss for oneself but we are not solitary. There are others and if I am to attain bliss through their pain, I won't want it. No one wants Hell. I don't either but if the fare is bought by the expense of others,( believers or otherwise), I want to reconsider.
Life is a series of tests by Him. He is supposed to only give tests that we can pass. How do we explain those who fail and maybe take their own life? Maybe then we say they don't have enough fate. If that is so, then it boils down on them again and it is their own fault.So you are responsible for yourself. Then you are alone again isn’t it so?
Afterlife. This life is temporary. This I believe so. We have a number of years here only. I strongly believe I am here on borrowed time and I will leave one day decided by Him. While I am here I believe I should do the best I can with this life but not so much to be rewarded in the next life but because I believe we are all here for a purpose. So I will always go ahead and do what the inner voice says so. Be it from God, my conscience or otherwise.
Wow reading back, if I am in any specific congregation, I am sure I will be called up for counseling. ; ) ha ha ha But then I am not and I will find it difficult to associate myself to any particular ideology as long as I am not prepare to take a gamble on humans. I prefer to get my message from Him direct in this complex world.
- Child goes oversea to study. Towards the end of study, decided that course was not the one he wanted so decided to quit and rest for a period (probably running into months or years) before deciding further. In the meantime family just wait and pray.
Child went oversea to work. After an initial period of communication, stop all contacts with family. Family at a lost of what to do.
Child decides to take off after period of time to do non financial returning work for self satisfaction. Parents are expected to continue supporting them financially.
Child comes home to introduce his or spouse. FAmily to accept their sudden appearance and accept it.
Child came back bundling his or her spouse with children saying he or she needs financial aid from parent because of lost of income. Parents who were hoping for otherwise now has to continue slogging.
Scenes from Chinese drama? At least that was what I thought until one realizes that they are as real as the toothache you can have. As parents we used to read books after books to learn parenting skills when the child is young. Somewhere along the line we stopped. We forget that parenting never stops. So do we still continue getting the skills we need? Why have we stop learning? How do we assess our skills before we are dead and gone? Can we then at any time claim that we were good parents?
At what stage does the child take charge and be responsible for his or her own life? Is there a seminar or course to teach children about caring for the parents and putting them as part of their life? Where does their responsibilities lie or is it true that the question was never asked by them or worst still not expected of them?
I now understand why in the Chinese drama, the matriarch wants to go off to the temple to clear her mind through prayers to attain peace. I wish I could do that. At least if not at the temple just a peaceful quiet place. Maybe one can then hear the answers.
I have always experience thunderstorm periodically that I came to believe it has to run once every few months. Recently, it has been dizzily for some time. Wonder if it means the thunderstorm is spread out over a period of time instead of a single blow or is it an indication of a tornado to come.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Prayer for Her
She then received more and more rewards from Him that at an instant I did ask, 'Where are You?'
Today, she must be undergoing tremendous emotional turmoil. I can't bring myself not to care nor rejoice in her pain. The judgement is not mine to make. My pain has not totally gone but I will still say a prayer for her and will go to her if she needs a friend. My hand is extended. My prayer that she will be strong is said.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Au did OK in her IELTS. Now to wait for the results. She is coping much better than expected about E's leaving.
A has been making a strong effort to be with the family more. He is also trying to help out as much as he could.
E is settling in well with his friends. Though he couldn't be with his housemates in his surgery group, he has a good mate and has found new friends. On the other hand I guess everyone should know the batch's assistant rep wouldn't they?
E came back last weekend and during the 40 odd hours home everyone was trying to do the maximum. I was trying to get his nutrition in place, daddy try to get the family together for a meal, (everybody was having so much to do) A went down town to get his books and choose a printer for him.Au was maximising manja time while preparing for her exam. E himself was rattling off like a bullet train trying to update us on all his activities, academic needs, projects, etc etc. and before we know it, we need to prepare him for his trip down to S'ban again and his first week of lectures. All in all it was like a mini hurricane passing through the weekend.
All these I feel is because basically the family is closely knitted. The children share their thoughts, fears, feelings and concern with us and their siblings.The only feelings we keep to ourselves are those we think will hurt others. Having such a family is another blessing from above.
We thank Thee for being here with us and may you keep an eye out for all of us as we all go our separate ways for the week.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Back on Track
Been neglecting the mail both virtual and real for about 2 weeks. Finally cleared my table and inbox today.Next to clear the children's table and cupboard especially E's 'leftovers'.
The neck and shoulder has been hurting and had no time to look into it. Need to start on some stretching and maybe back to my morning walks.I took 3 days to recover from the muscle ache after the room painting project in S'ban! This is bad.
Au is doing her English workshop and is starting her preparations for SAM in November. Need to give her some time and look into her tertiary education. Not that we haven't been doing anything. Guess she is pretty sure of Pharmacy. Now left to see which U to put her into. Australia means she leave next February which means another round of physical and emotional runabout. If she ends up in IMU, she will have a 9 months break in 2 years time before leaving for UK. Nottingham and SEGI means 9 months break next year. Decisions decisions decisions. Maybe should let time tells.
Ad is ever so active in church irregardless what happens at home. 5 years time and I will say if it is a blessing or an agony.
Had a ton of books which I had put aside. Started picking up last night (need to get back to my sleeping routine!) My projects including handicraft should start soon. My gosh, I wanted to start 14 months ago and I haven't found my sewing machine yet Help! Someone show me how to get one!
Of course tuition is still on going. It might be a good idea to go into individual home tuition next year but then I will need the car, Well, we'll see when the time comes.Who knows I may find a companion to do other things like learn to lepak and go shopping or maybe daddy may quit and we go travelling. Sure is windy when one is dreaming in the air!!! Phew.
Monday, September 1, 2008
feelings of a Mother
When A left for UK 5 years ago, close friends and my sister told me that whatever happened, I must be strong at the airport and not shed a single tear. I mustn't let him leave with unnecessary worries. This time round, I need to be strong for Au's sake. She is especially attached to E and I know it will be hard for her. It is just as hard for me but again I must be strong.
5 years ago, the pain was so internalised that I can't find the words to describe it. I remember feeling as if a limb of mine was torn off me and I can't scream. Now it is more an active acceptance of the realities that is a start for more to come. You know that 2 years down the line he is moving even further. When he graduate, he will be posted away from home and encounter more hardship during his housemanship. It will be of the slimmest chance that he will be next to me all the time. So how do I feel? it is a mixture of, sadness, happiness, worry, acceptance, blessed amongst others. My son is finally grown up and E is going through a period of independence and maturity. He is much better prepared than most others physically and emotionally. I will block away negative thoughts and concentrate on the positive.It is a pathway all mothers need to undergo and just as he need to grow, I need to let go.He will meet with a lot of obstacles as he walk the path and I need to let him clear the route himself. I will be there at anytime he calls out and I will assist without retarding him. Lastly, I will say my silent prayers to Him to keep a lookout for my son which just as much His son.
I need to go back to normal life giving time to my books, my interests and the rest of the family. I will also spend time to see what others things I need to do to help him through this journey of life. It will be difficult and painful and I may never recover fully from it but I will certainly try for my sake as well as E's and Au's sake.
All these are the feelings of a mother.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Time Together
With the help of A's navigation and E's guide to the food stations, we decided on The Curve. What a difference from those days of going to gardens and parks with prepacked picnics and playground.
We ended up at House of Pancake for brunch which came up to RM150.It was a new idea having savoury and sweet pancakes and at such a price for breakfast! But I guess we would have spend more for a buffet breakfast in a hotel if we were on outstation.
The boys took us walking and I was confused where we were. It started off as the Curve, then Ikano and then Ikea. I decided to just follow them and not let them jab me about being old and dazed. We tried to look at the different microwave and conventional ovens and finally decided on a microwave one which we will buy later at OKR.
At Ikea we finally found the bedroom slippers we wanted for E in S'ban His room down there is marbled floored. Anyway that was Au's belated birthday present for him. Ended the walk to Ikea with Swedish meatballs and light lunch (all were still full from breakfast 3 hours ago) courtesy of A.By then Au was tired and we decided to just sit down for a while.
Next stop was Borders where the 2 younger ones got themselves 2 books with E's credit card. He loves to be able to sign but not pay!!
Back to cinepleasure for Wall-e. Everybody was happy; some for the show while others for the opportunity to sit for 2 hours.
Ended the day with dinner at the Walk.Decided it is a good place for the next family celebration.
The outing was the first we take to replace an outstation trip as a family get together. We all know that these time of outing will be few and far between from now on. As it is, we already feel the strain as A can't join us for many things due to his church commitments. This is so for our trip out on Saturday and Sunday before this. With E going off end of the month, his time for us will be reduced too. What more with his busy schedule. Next year Au will be going to Uni and we are not even sure whether she will be in M'sia after February. It is with a tinge of sadness that the young ones need to fly out of the nest. Soon there will be addition to the family even if they came back who may or may not understand the the family jokes and jest. That is inevitable. For the time being, we just say our thanks for the time together teasing, chatting laughing and just being together
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A Sea of Feelings
E will be moving off to to continue his studies. Unlike A he is much nearer and the family will be seeing him much more often. Unlike A he is older and in many ways much more matured and responsible. Unlike A, he is moving in with a group of friends close to him going through the process together. He is also less expressive, keeping a lot of thoughts to himself but not necessarily having less. But what is the difference to a mum? Still a son who is moving on with his life. Another phase where a mum wants to hold on tight to his hand but knows that one shouldn't and mustn't.
A feeling of relieve that one's son is growing up fine and approaching adulthood. A feeling that one more baby is ready to leave the nest. One then wonder if one has done the job well and prepared him for this next part of his journey. Have one done all there is to do? What if one hasn't? What is the next step? Let go and hope for the best? Hold on tight and not let go till one is 100%sure? Will that ever happen? Is these all the imagination of a mother? Is it normal and occur to all mums? Am I more a burden than a help with all these emotions?
His course is not one that he will sail through with minimal effort? Will the distance from home hinder him? What need to be done?
But is having a child within physical reach a solution? One may be near but if the heart is away and can't be reached, accepting the fact is another lesson a mum has to learn. Not an easy one but no doubt one that has to be learned.
During the time of planning, think hard to make sure that all is done to the best. Sit still a while then the emotions settle in in.Looking at a table of dinner with one child less in a moment when soon it will has to be so more often, wondering why the other is choosing not to be there. The occasions to be together as a whole is going to be less and his choices to be away will no doubt hasten the process. Is it fair to expect otherwise from him? Am I asking for too much? Should I just let go? Most probably the answer is yes if a survey is done. Will that make it any easier?
A nostalgic feeling that need to be punctuated with practicality and reality. An emotional time that needs to be awaken with a approach of acceptance. Appreciate what is there and enjoy every moment there is.Push aside all that is negative and re enforce whatever that is positive. What a sea of feelings!Another phase of motherhood. Another phase of life.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Loving What You Do
Sad thing is that she is feeling tired and is wondering what her next step should be. This got me thinking on the paradox-like situation. She who is dedicated is tired and needed the rest. But if she rest, it is a lost to others.
She who view the profession as a form of passing time will never be tired. She in turn will stay on and on but with no passion for the job.The clients in turn will not receive what is due to them.
If I had been able to let go and just sit it out like my 'superior' at PPD advised, wouldn't I be still in the service?. Wouldn't I have benefited from the extra income?
But then will that be me? No.If I couldn't even take my medical leave and recover, how could I sit in the chair and do the minimum.
Bottom line is ..... we do what we feel we need to do. As I always tell the children, there can never be a right or wrong decision. We can never run our life twice parallel with that one different decision so how are we to know if the particular decision is right or wrong.
More important is before making a decision,we should consider as many aspect as we can and choose the path we think is best. Once decided ,never look back. Look only forward and take the next possible positive action.
Unconsciously, I have always subscribe to this. That is why from young, whenever I was asked if I have any regrets the answer is always in the negative. Over love, over family, over my career and my actions. I believe in loving all you can, giving my best, working out every obstacles the best way I could find and more importantly, never expecting returns.They will come if it is to be.Otherwise, happiness should be just doing it. If along the way we could help others, all is well. If we can't help others, at least try not to hurt others. ( at the same tone, I would also declare that I for one will not insist if others resist.That means never say no to me . I will not extend the hand again. Is that bad? well................................ I don't know but for the time being that is me!)
ps ST ,everything will be OK. There is no wrong decision . Will stand by you whatever you do. love
Saturday, August 2, 2008
After a Love Affair Ends
Well first of all it all depends on who and then why it ended. If you ended it, chances are you feel relieve the problem is solved. At most you pray the other party is OK by it too.
If the other party ended it, it will be a different story. It is equivalent to being told you have cancer or that you have just received the death sentence. In the same way, only those close to you or love you will feel the same way. To the rest of the world they just don't understand the fuss. Some may even think you ask for it. Feelings includes denial, cheated, unhappy, vengeful and maybe shutting oneself from everything. Eventually you accept it and start to learn to plan your next step. How long this entire process take will depend on individuals.
First the denial cuz you can accept the fact. You don't understand why it has to happen to you. You don't know why you can't have a normal life as others do. After all it wasn't much that you ask. You didn't commit in crime. you just fell in love and wanted something that everybody else is having.
Then you feel angry at the world because it is not fair. The other party did not play fair. Maybe he shouldn't have given you false hope. You were so happy. He shouldn't have allow you to think the wrong thoughts.You wish you could stab him and pain him the same way he pained you. At your sane moments, you know it is wrong to think like that. So you stop. After all you still love him and no way do you want anything unpleasant o happen to him.
You want to be alone because you want to think it out. You want to know what and why it went wrong.Were you the one to blame? When it is futile thinking, you want him to leave you alone and not be the good guy staying around looking out for you. Just in case you can't make it, he can be the hero again. But does it matter would you want him back for the wrong reason? or rather will he take pity on you and just come back. Being me. I will definitely not want him back whatever the reason may be.Though I can't say that others will agree with me.
Finally you woke up fully and accept the reality of things and that it is the end and nothing else can be done about it. Any other pain you inflict onto yourself, you are being even more silly. So you numb yourself.
You look for other avenues for your feelings and hope to be smarter the next time round but unfortunately,we are never smarter. We will repeat the same thing and walk the same path. Maybe with just the extra thought that this time it is for real but is it?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Striking a Balance
Students are told to balance their time between studies and games. Parents are told to divide their time equally for all the children. Working adults are suppose to balance work with social life. Married couples or parents are told to have time for work, spouse and family. Well said.
Question is at which point is it considered balanced. 50-50, 30-70 or 25-75 and which way should it sway.
An athletic teenager will think that it should be 50-50 but the parents feel that 20-80 is a better choice. A father might want to spend time for the family but what if the boss think otherwise. Even if time is spend on the children, at which point is it right. Too little is the problem most psychologist prefer to think. But if too much attention is given, will the child be too dependent on the parents?
So it is a simple answer to a lot of problem but no one can come up with a well defined formula.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Runaway week and E's 21st birthday
Last week was a week away from the computer. Hubby and me ran away for 2 days to celebrate our silver wedding anniversary. It was more like a break for him.Both of us weren't born with a silver spoon so though we are OK financially, we never could not splurge on ourselves. But the rest was good.
Next we plotted and organised a surprise 21st birthday party for E. Au helped and she felt the strain as she has 2 tests and a presentation to do today. But she was good, she gave her best to come up with the computer presentation.Ad came in the last few hours to round up the technical part. It was well worth the time as E was thoroughly surprised and he and his friends enjoyed themselves at Honey Star.
Happy birthday, E. We love you
A love affair ending
It was a case of loving you and still more love. Irregardless whether you responded or not. When you were in pain it pained me more. What your heart desire it was my wish to fulfil it.I attended all your needs most happily and your smile and approval was all I ever needed.
As the years goes by, I was there financially and supported you emotionally. It hurts so much when you splurge my hard earn money so thoughtlessly but I bit my tongue for fear of saying something that might hurt you.
I watch out when others hurt you. I was all ready to take your side and protect you.I look out and read books on how to help you academically , emotionally, socially and all other ways. I financed you all through your years of studies without a second thought and I still have no regrets. It is not because you ask for it but I just wanted the best for you and wanted to give you all that you need.
The signs has been there for the last few years but I just doesn't want to accept it. You can't be blamed because it is me that don't want to see it. This love affair has to end I knew from the start you came from him and he will always be there. I was willing to share you with him but if either one of you think otherwise, I knew I have to accept it. Now that I have to face the fact, I still have no regrets but just be happy for the years you gave me. I don't know if he wanted you back all to himself or if you decided you want to go back to him completely. Either way, it looks look like the end is approaching. It is bitter sweet but like all true love, you tell yourself to be grateful for the happy moments we shared. It is said that if you truly love something, you must always let it go. If it comes back to you it is truly yours. If it doesn't, maybe it was never yours to start with. I am one who do not like to look back and analyse my actions. I always believe in doing what I wanted to do. There isn't any well defined line to what is right or wrong; what should or shouldn't be. I believe in looking forward. If it is to be, let it be. There may be times when one wondered it was silly to have love so much when it cause so much pain but I believe it is better to have loved and pained rather than never loved before. My love for you will stay eternally and I will still wait for the day that you may come back to me.
Now, isn't that a love story or what!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Proud of E
He may not be on Dean's list, but I always feel he will do a good job serving God in his chosen profession. He has a inborn character to love, care, be patient and just the right personality to become a doctor.I won't comment on his intellectual but he definitely has the right disposition. He is surrounded by good friends and the tigers of the lecturer list too have a soft spot for him.
Maybe I am a bit prejudice since I am a mother but I pray he gets His guidance.
trip to uh II
By the way Ad bought me a book on 'Loving God When you Don't Love the Church'. Will start on the book though it is not exactly to my doubts. I have nothing against the church. I just wonder who He love more. A child who is sincere but doesn't attend church or a child who is senior in the church but commits all crimes outside? Which is His choice and what does He do about it. As I see it now, the first child is punished while the second is rewarded. But final thoughts is that He decides and I still have no wish to dwell into it with Him. I just wish to trust and go on with my life.
On the same note , kudos to UH . I went in at 1am to register, got the number 10, called to pay (free for pensioners) at 1.30, saw the Doctor at 2.10, collected medication at 2.25, made my next appointment with Doctor and collecting medication by 2.30 and was waiting for E to pick me by 2.35. I call that first class administration.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Holiday with Sister
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Good Friends
Thursday, July 3, 2008
In His Name
An ex student is with them. and he used to talk to me about his teaching career. Had been giving him some advice which he obviously has brought to his administrator. Thanks to him and the school for having high regards for me.
As for me, I am glad that he feels comfortable enough and have such high respect for me. He was has never study directly under me but only knows me as a teacher and administrator of his Alma mater. I am glad to talk with him and share with him whatever I have learn and acquire in my working life.If I could contribute and help him to be a better teacher, I think I have fulfill my service to God for the day. To me serving Him is not necessarily going to church and praying out loud with the chosen words. It is doing something good in His name.
Senior Christians might not agree with me but for the time being, this is my thoughts. I believe it is much better than going to church while hurting others and creating negative vibes.
Old Friend
hi hi hi
2 months delay and I shouldn't try to find an excuse for the absence so a cheeky sorry is all you get.
wow and the amount of things that has transpired since then! Price of petrol that start the ball rolling with the price of my favourite butter and cheese nearly doubling Told the kids baking is slowing down and hubby gave me a one-kind look. hee hee hee wonderful excuse not to do so much baking. Now with the political scene being so exciting and economically so frightening, I spend around 2 hours every morning catching up with all the non-mainstream news on the net before going for the newspaper. eg why we should go into gold by Matthias Chang etc.
Like I say before, retired life is wonderful except that pocket is lighter. True that hubby working but never know how our expenses might change and the fact that the world sound so volatile.
Nvmd, Chinese say got wine lets get drunk first. I envy the absolute trust that some people have in God (that He will take care of all things) but I can't accept that kind of philosophy.There is a difference between being childish and having child-like trust.(result of the books I have been reading)
Kids are OK. No, A is not getting married. Tough luck.
E is having his finals. If he carry on with his medical studies, the clinical part is done in S'ban so that is why need to move there.
Au is OK. Looking around for a course for her. Daddy doesn't want her to be too far ie UK (he never had that problem with Adrian there, wonder why!!!). I would like her to twin so that I still have her for 2 more years.Unfortunately twinning means UK and going Australia (nearer means double the expenses(RM 100K x 4years minimum)
Study should never be a chore to both child and parent. If it is to the parent, the child will feel the negative vibes and won't enjoy it. If the child feel it is a chore, sooner or later, it will manifest in their attitude in life.My 2 cents worth
When they are younger(preschool) I love to put them on my lap or cuddle up near and read books with them.I buy a lot of activity books that require SHORT exercises like using stickers and joining lines and scratching.The younger ones will sit and do it while the older one does their homework with me near.Sat with A for 6 years , 3 years with E and none with Au( same 6 years cuz they are 3 years apart. By that time they have their own sibling's company in the study room and look after each other.The study room is given 1st priority for comfort. When they are on their own, I used to pop in once a while and give them treats like ice cream and chocolate cookies with cold milk or just to hug and kiss.The room has all the books they enjoy so they get to 'curi' read their story books once in a while between homework.
Alamak. don't write for 2 months now cannot stop. sorry for the drag.But I enjoy it. Hope you don't mind if I put part of this letter in my blog
cheerio. wakey wakey don't nod off mummy
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Trip to UH
So this morning off I troop to UH after sending A to work. All patients doing the fasting test are suppose to clock in at 7.45 am. Well I made it in by 8.33. One look at the crowd and I was all ready to stay till 11 plus. Surprise, surprise and kudos to UH staff. Got to go to the paying counter ( to get the 'percuma' chop on the resit) by 9.20 and was called in to see 'dracula' by 9.30. The staff were patient (saw two of them being yelled at by an old man demanding attention but refrained from answering back) and well trained (blood was drawned without any hitch together with a smile and comforting words to relax). I don't know what others has to complain but I am always happy with UH bearing in mind that there is always a crowd there.
Another point to note. Saw an old lady with a maid there and wonder if I will ever reach that stage of life. Saw one on the wheelchair pushed by a maid and accompanied by a son. Wonder what the scenario will be if all her children are salaried and need to take leave to do the needful. Will my children do that when I am at her stage? Will I remember to be patient and understanding if they can't?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
computer down
I am yet to put my the photos on our holidays in PD with sis and hubby. It was a good trip and as usual I have blogging it in my 'brain' for sometime. With some luck, it will turn into words and pictures. Wait a minute , it won't be entirely my fault because the computer is down and I can't download the photos and that goes for hubby's birthday, mummy's day and daddy's day. Phew, that off my6 chest. I can now go back to 'Wild Swans'. ; )
Meeting up with ex student
We sat at a little cafe and had a heart to heart talk. We share some common experiences and some common characteristics. We saw our weaknesses and we laugh over as we reminded each other on what it SHOULD be and realise that overall we are both just as guilty.
Thanks again RJ for the company and lunch. I enjoyed both.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Being Naughty
Next ex boss offer a class at Banting on a Saturday for RM600. Also not keen because Saturday is such a nice day to spend with family.Last but not least heard that there are others picking up jobs at RM3 to 4 K for hours 8 to 4.I had offers but never took it up also.
Last but not least, there is the biodisc business waiting for me to go into.
Now I am beginning to wonder if I am being too 'manja'. Sincerely speaking, I am enjoying being a home maker, having a stress free time , doing what I enjoy doing. Of course it comes with 'loss of income' reaction obviously.
Well, too bad. Maybe Sham was right that it is intended for me to be a lady of leisure but I do want to record that I know I am being naughty. : )
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Petrol Price Increase
On the bright side we are still better than a lot of people. So change your live style and be more creative.
Books I enjoyed
2nd book is based on a talk with a guy that just tried to commit suicide and found himself spending one day with his dead mother. Good recommendation to children. also managed to hold my attention from cover to cover. Unfortunately book belongs to the library so need to return it today.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Enjoying a Good Book
A good read maybe because it put into words certain thoughts of mine. It talks about how as we grown older we lose our innocence with life and tend to view it with cynicism. It talks about how we should go back to our childhood innocence hence second innocence. But the point to take is that we need to be more CHILDLIKE and not more CHILDISH. To think that the world is all good and pure and that life only goes by certain rules is childish. To be childlike, we use our grain and understand that the WORLD is made up of all kinds and we need to recognize and take certain path but at the same time have faith after all that we had done our best, it will be ok.
In the section on rediscovering wonder in the daily journey, he tells us that life is mainly rowing the boat and the final goal is but a short duration. We work hard and state our goals but we sometimes had our goals all wrong. We maybe able to plan but God decide and we need to make DETOUR. Lastly, when things get bad, don’t give up.
For those still working, he has a section on rediscovering the joy of work. Similarly he spend 2 chapters on relationship and 3 on faith
I am now in the middle of the section on faith.
It is a beautiful read. Nothing very heavy but something to keep us thinking.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
After Retirement
As I enter into the new year as a retiree, it is confirmed that how we run our life is totally dependent on our selves. I feel that most people fear retirement with only 2 thoughts in mind. One is obviously concerning finance and secondly, how they are going to spend their time.
Hubby and me met up with a schoolmate who has been a friend for donkey years and as all conversation goes for people in the 50’s, the topic of retirement crop up. It is surprising that people can view it with a question ‘But what are you going to do then?’ I feel that what we can do is entirely up to us. We have spent the last 30 years doing what our career requires us to do so. We played the part of bringing up and enjoying our kids. But don’t we have any other interest in life? As for me, I have a variety of interest. I love reading which has been put aside for years. I read novels, trash sobby love stories, language, hobbies, geography, philosophy, feng shui, investment and anything else I can get my hands on. (Having said that, I have dropped a number of topics off my list like character building, teambuilding and motivation!) I also would like to pick up on handicrafts like sewing, patchwork and paper craft. (Only problem is that all these need money which all retirees need to be careful about.) I am waiting for my husband to reach 55 too so that we could do leisure holidays together. We talk about slow moving holidays where we just move around and enjoy each others company (and if we got bored with each other we still have the scenery to look at, ; ) ) . I would like to go back to the cinema and enjoy the big screen. That I might need to do it myself or with the kids because hubby sleep whenever the show stars. Trying out recipes and cooking for my loved ones is another thing I would enjoy. Not forgetting the basic being a couch potato and start discovery what Astro can offer. 10 months have passed and I haven’t done much and that is the good part. There is no time limit. Maybe it is because little Au is still in pre-U and the boys are still staying with us. I know that there will come a time that they will leave the nest and while wanting to prepare them to be on their own, I still want to enjoy the last few years of pampering them, hugging them, teasing them and just having them near me.
Financially, I also realize that income have dropped drastically and while the pension will be there as long as the death certificate is not issued, inflation will set in. The worth of the pension will drop as the years go by. As we age, medical fees will come in and God know how our last years will be spent. It could be totally dependency. (Fingers crossed but who knows. My thoughts on death will be another interesting topic to blog on) While I can I hope to venture through the financial door, learn enough to make some sound decisions and preparation.
All I want to say is that there is a life after 55 that is much more challenging. I intend to take it up and make the best of it. There is still a home to run, a family to love, lost ideas to be found, interests to be revived and a whole big world to discover. Our career is nothing but a speck compared to it.
Monday, April 21, 2008
On Being a Parent
Following my last statement in the last blog and on the occasion of my niece’s wedding over the weekend, one gets an overview of a parent’s role. Time flies as I still remember how shy she was as a baby and how she will cry each time anyone unfamiliar gets too near her. Today she is all grown up poised and pretty, confident and a wife to another. In the process I am sure her parents like me would have gone through a journey of parenthood. I am sure there were many times in her life that the parents would have love to steer the child’s life believing that it is the best course. But as parents we learn that we need to let go and the more we care the more we need to stand apart and let them venture out. It could be pretty nerve racking and sometimes stressful not forgetting painful but it has to take that that course. It is truly ‘if they don’t fall, they won’t learn’ we can only prepare them before hand and say our prayer that if they do fall, it is not too painful. Their choice of career path, their friends and their life partners are some of the things parents need to tie themselves to the tree to stop themselves from interfering. You may feel you have the right and the eyes to see things they don’t but the kids themselves certainly think otherwise.
Parents have only approximately 20 years to prepare the foundation and then you move aside to view and bit your fingernails. If you are lucky, you will still have nice manicures nail otherwise, good luck!
Nowadays as I listen to the younger generation talk about their opinions, or see the decisions they made about their life, you say a silent prayer. I was reading the life history of Tian Chua and the thought is how the parents have felt. I have seen a number of those in the twenties who threw away their profession and decide to do the alternative like spending time at church and I pray that I could accept it if my turn comes along.
Phew, the job of a parent! Maybe the happier alternative would have been to have half a dozen kids, throw them out into the streets and be ignorant of all things possible. Maybe life would have been simpler then! And we thought we have progress from our parents’ time! Look as if they might have been the smarter ones.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Being Discipline
The last 2 odd months has been busy. A lot has happened to every one around and that includes me. Starting with daddy, he has now moved office to PJ.I went to visit the place even before renovation started because we wanted to see the direction of his room. He is given the 'boss' room in his floor and has all his 'little' and 'big' girls with him all within reach! Unfortunately, the room looks like a quarter of a cake (is this shape getting popular with architects or what!) with 6 panel glass for the curvature. It possesses a challenge to my limited feng shui knowledge. His boss' boss too had a say and the fact that the new furniture was purchased without any thought to the roomdid not help. Fortunately with the help of the compass and our innovation, we had a few twisting and turning of the table and cupboards, I am glad to say that it is up to our satisfaction. To end the event, I would like to record my appreciation to Ad for going along when we speak of feng shui and directions in his presence and not kick a fuss. (For the record, we know his passion into Christianity but I for one always believe in being 'non extreme')Thanks too to Ed for helping to move the furniture the last time. By the way the whole office has nothing but cavities as walls as oppose to a flat plane! Another architectural style?
At this time and place, Ed is busy with his last minute preparations for his IMU ball. He took up the post with quite a bit of concern towards his studies and I don't blame him as I too was a bit worried. I am glad he managed well and I think he has done a wonderful job as a leader. He managed to get the various committees working and he had the patience and PR to handle all sorts of characters. I am proud of him and told him so. I have always advocated that there are many things in life that no textbook or educational institution can teach you. The family has decided to dress him up with a suit and bow complete with special shirt and new shoes. (Only lacking is a girl's hand to hold for the night, ha ha ha). We wish him luck and would say a prayer for him to have a successful event tomorrow night. He had grown up mentally early and his teachers saw that potential in him when he was the assistant head prefect during his lower secondary days. With that, I think I would feel pretty relaxed as he proceeds to his next phase of education.
Au had her SPM results. Relatively speaking, it was a wonderful result with straight A's. But she has always had high goals and therefore was not too happy with the results. It was so touching seeing the 2 brothers playing their roles and talking to her. Her tears never flow in my presence but mothers always know what a child feels. (Is that a gift?) Right now all is well and she is working hard at her pre U program. She has also just got her driving license and she could drive confidently and well. Am I glad she is the last one and no more motor tutoring for me. It can be pretty nerve racking. No offence to my 3 kids.
All in all, the kids are getting on fine No doubt many things they do still give me sleepless nights and you hope they will be fine. It becomes a skill of seeing them take risks but you have to restrain yourself from helping. You hope to help but not let them know you are helping. You worry and care but not show. Simple as it sounds but God knows how hard it is to follow.