Sunday, January 30, 2011

And So It Is

So I know things will be different this year.
So I know it is a time of happenings.
So I know it is talking about changes.
So it is a time of adjustments and acceptance.
I knew it and I knew it months ahead. Nothing that is happening is out of my expectation except some new developments.( Even then they were things I knew could happened and should not be come as a shock)

But it doesn't make it any easier. It doesn't change the way I feel.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Growing apart

When it was the time for it to happen, it didn't really happened. But now it is noticeable. Yes change is inevitable but couldn't it be drawing nearer rather than further. Maybe deep down I only expected it to be nearer so when there are hints of further, it hurts.

How far will it go? Will it reach a fearful unpleasant distance or is it something temporary?
Did any of my actions activated it ?
Or was it other factors that they have to sort out themselves.
Is it a natural process that they go through but at a different time from others?
Will it change direction later on?
Relatively speaking, I am lucky that there exist other stable ones. So is it His way to wean me off some and get closer to others?
Maybe time will tell. If there are things I am suppose to see and notice, I hope He will open my eyes to it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My 3 Kids

I have every reason to be a proud mum. Ever so often, I hear praises about my children. In school, teachers (with the exception of one kindy teacher, one year 6 teacher who told gory stories in class and a spinster who has a reputation to upkeep :) ) have only good things to say about them, friends always felt that they are good kids. Fair enough teachers have over the years learn to be diplomatic and friends normally do not complain about one's kids. But deep down, I always feel so blessed. I couldn't ask more more.

Academically they are not the cream ala cream but they are always near the top until they join the top most sorted careers.Well, they are not nerds or geeks but lead a balanced lifestyle. They know their limits and do not step over them.At times they are more diligent in their moral values (compare to me!)and are level headed in their views.

All I do nowadays is pray for them every night that they hear and obey His voice,that they do not bow down to pressure be it work or studies, and lastly they find the love of their life when the time is right.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Learning from my children

I come from the generation of Chinese family(I don't know if it is a habit of other ethnic group) who believes in keeping bad news from those you love. For example if one is sick, they then to keep it from the spouse and children especially those that are far away for fear that it will distract them from whatever they are doing. I subscribed to this philosophy for many years. I also had told my children that if they have to choose between me and their spouse, I would understand if they have to lean over the other side because they have a family of their own. Family peace comes first that I believe, parents need to let go and bless the children.
But over conversations with my children and seeing what has happened around myself recently, I now beg to differ . My children are right. Give them the choice for they are matured enough to know and make their independent decisions. My children reminded me that they would like to know and share what goes around in the family (so don't keep bad news and information). I believe they are right. As parents we have brought them up matured, independent, have a good sense of right and wrong.If we have done a good job, we should allow them to be adults in the true sense of the word.
Respect them to make their decisions on their family and let them learn to approach the realities of life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reflection from another's Blog

Just read a blog by a doctor on his involvement with HIV/AIDS patients as he walk in a war memorial. And it jolted my emotions.

We all have our spacial role to play in life.To me a child of Christ, I take it as my way to praise and thank Him for His blessings, my way of life with Him. To others, I pray that it becomes a way of life that we may leave a mark behind after we pass this way.

As we walk along life's path, we are destined to do great things. Some of us could, some of us didn't. If we couldn't invent a machine to stop war, or find a cure for a deadly disease, at least let us learn to love and care. And if we can't or don't know how to extend a hand or lend a hearing ear, at least don't step on others or hurt others.

Is it greed or just insecurity that make man have dangerous ambitions? Is it a wrong nerve triggered that make others enjoy sadistic acts? And is it an unconscious mind that hurt those around us? If it is, may we all say a prayer in our own faith for us and others to control our greed, manage our insecurity and to have a caring heart.

Life on earth is but a hundred years or less.It is so true that that we will leave the same way we came. Live it with our God given gifts, make a purpose in life, if we are to be remembered, may it be something positive Or at least not let someone rejoice at our going.

Happy New Year since it is still January and I feel good.

Monday, January 3, 2011

happy new year 2011

Happy new year. 2011 is here and I am all ready to ride through it.It will be a busy year as I could see numerous happenings lining up.

First in line will be Daddy's retirement and helping him to adjust.

Next will be CNY with a difference without Au and E in the midst of preparing for finals (his half a million final investment, according to him!).

E's nail biting results and then moving back from BP to KL. He will be able to see to it on his own but being parents, ..................... Hope he will enjoy his nostalgic ball!

Into his holidays, we hope to take him along for a North,South and East trip in peninsula Malaysia in anticipation of his posting and marking daddy's retirement.That is if E is without any other plans.

Following that should be our honeymoon in Japan courtesy of H. That will be our first trip in a long long long time without the children. (Think it is the first). Hope I could enjoy it. Not the scenery and place but without the 3 precious. Daddy think it is time we learn.

All these will be in the midst of looking for a place to move out to and then back fr after 4 months in view of the renovation plans. Of course lots and lots of decisions to make in the meantime from which contractor, what to prioritise, the material proper not forgetting what and how to pack and unpack.

Other things include supporting Ad into his next phase, thinking about Au 21st present,E's convocation, redecorating the house, settling E in his new posting etc etc.

Blogging about it is already so long and I have only reach the first 6 months.Indeed it was so appropriate for pastor to advise preparing a seed bed of prayer. What better way to train myself to pray every minute I have ! For His will to be done, strength, health, patience, clear mind ............ OK I think I am going to tired Him out too : )