Saturday, March 31, 2012

Suppose to be Love Story

I stepped into the school after nearly 5 years of absence.No I didn't miss it. It was on the way to do something.
I still saw traces of my presence in the school. Five years and it is still there? Much said and truth about my passion but I finally discover that it is my passion for the children and their future. It wasn't the school.

I was a student in the mid 70s
I was a trainee teacher in 1979
I was called back to serve in 1981 when many wrongly assumed that I requested for it.
I was a teacher there walking through the corridors for more than 25 years,
I served as a senior science teacher
I was a member of the OBA
I was a committee member for years when no one was interested
My husband was an old boy
My two sons had their education there
I doubt many can challenge my involvement with the school!

So was I passionate about the school? Sorry to say and disappoint many, the answer is NO.I finally know that it was the children and education that I was passionate about. That is why I could love the children from another school even it was for 4 months. That is why the girls were just as precious to me as the boys.
It saddens me when certain things happened and it is not about the school. It was the children and the effect it had on them at that tender age.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Releasing and Listening

Pastor talked about days when we hear silence from heaven above. There are days when I am not sure what I feel.There are days when I get pretty emotional. And when I do, I fear that I will be depressed. Times like these, I feel I need to get out of it I know being depress is no good. So what do I do?.

I try to stop feeling.I numb myself. I tell myself that if thousands faces situations like mine. and millions have worse problems like mine, who am I to be complaining.Who am I to feel depress?

So what am I to feel.?
To accept, to stop feeling?
to overcome? Yes to overcome but how to overcome?
It is knowing that there is a problem and knowing it should not be a problem.To release it all unto Him?
Lately there seem to be a lot of release. I am overloading my different releases to Him.

What now but to listen.