Thursday, November 27, 2008

who bought this truck of cow dung?

Title is a book from a Buddhist monk. Ajahn Brahm. Enjoyed the contents thoroughly.He talks about
- to get out of depression, to stop oneself from being arrogant or just a good thought, remember 'this too will pass' How true when one is happy and how important to remember when one is sad.
-to be a counsellor , remember you are supposed to be a dustbin collecting all kinds of thoughts and comments not forgetting feelings, but more important a dustbin with a hole at the bottom because you can't shoulder every body's burden.Very true for those of us who are good listeners
-in many situations in life; when there is nothing we can go, just do nothing. This is equivalent to the Christians who tell you to leave things in the hands of God. That is why I always believe the true religion always teaches the same things but they put it in different ways.So don't condemn the next religion and always remember that there is a BIG difference between what God say and what religious leaders say.
-3 most important questions and ans
1. when is the most important time

answer is now. (Remember the poem about yesterday being a dream and tomorrow being only a vision?)
2. who is the most important person?

the person you are with (and this could mean yourself when you are alone)
3. most important thing to do?

 to care. (And I guess this mean to love and not to hurt.)

Good read, highly recommended. And read with an open mind if you are not a Buddhist.

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