Monday, September 24, 2007

another wedding dinner

Another wedding dinner! Woh I will be putting on weight soon !
But it was an interesting night. First of all sat next to Tan Chai Ho. Well he is just as human (pity it wasn't Prince William then my blog will be most different!)M and me were placed at the VIP table cuz the father in law insist M was a low peng yew (old friend). He has always had great respect and love for M . M met him when he first walk the street 30 years ago. Old man strike well with M and one visit to him and M's budget for the month was done!Well He sounds like a Godfather to me. Suddenly strike me to check next time if he has a daughter for M those days? :)
The interesting part is that, his every conversation with M sounds more like a chicken and duck talk. He speaks mandarin and because he is the president of this and this and that(all involving the Chinese community) even his Cantonese is so high flow. M on the other hand is a typical yellow banana and so far I had only see his smiling face as response! That just prove that listening is more important than talking and elderly people only needs a respectful young guy to pay genuine attention to them and you get their heart! Maybe I should pass this trick down to the two sons when they visit their prospective father-in-law. :)
On the serious side, once again it is wonderful to see M receiving such great respect from others.For a 80+ old man to feel that this 50+ young guy need to be put as a VIP and receives his personal attention. Wow that is something.Mind you, this 50+ year old is no politician nor influential in any sense.
By the way this old man karoake well, speaks well and is definitely on top of things. If I ever live up to his age, I do hope I could be just as 'young'
He too had a tai kam cheh (an old lady to oversees the entire wedding to follow all traditions). Seeing her operate makes me wonder how many more of them are still surviving in this trade.They are definitely a dying breed . No young couple will take to them at their wedding nowadays but it was refreshing and interesting to see them perform their duties.

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