Come Thursday morning was supposed to be filled with normal lessons (one guess whether any teaching was done) Not only that, at 7.10 am, was told that Hm will not be in school in the morning because he need to collect T-shirts from out of town in time for the afternoon do. Apparently, at every sports day, all officials will wear a new T-shirt. Not a bad idea. I think it gives the teachers a new good togetherness feeling. Anyway the colour was not bad too. Kudos to R. Unfortunately, as in all organization, there are those not happy. Acceptable. With 100 adults, no one should expect 100% support. The afternoon went on fine though the VIP couldn't made it. Felt sorry for HM but relieve that no outsiders to take care.
Had a chance in the middle of everything to know a particular teacher better. Thank You God for opportunities like that to touch others. She was grateful for the chance to share and I think He has just used my physical body again. Praise the Lord.
Friday was another story, founder's day plus teachers day. One thing for sure, there is absolutely no stress on any function. Things just went on and it will just be on. (how else to express it?) MA was right as it was a bit boring but who really is complaining. BTW, the head boy said his goodbye to me in his speech!
Weekend and if you think the holiday is here, you are dead wrong. The school organised its annual educational retreat where selected boys will camp in the school for 3 days 2 nite while motivational talks and special answering techniques are belted out. Once again good idea. Kudos to the one man organiser P, to the teachers who worked so independently to get the speakers and agreed to stay overnight with the boys. Have I told you how amazed I am at the teachers attitude. They may have their lacking and idiosyncrasy with all their complains, but you have to give them A! for contributing to the school!!!!!
Points to note as it ended on Monday morning.
- Good idea, good speakers. Pity the boys hardly ready to accept it. Guess that is the culture.
- AJK must have more exact details with more supporting subcommittees and involving all GK
- Organizing skills need to be improved.
- Registration to be improved by only asking students to check particulars and not fill in the particulars.
- Rooms need to be given to boys at registration.
- no of rooms used must be fixed and ready before registration.
- dress code must be presentable to create the atmosphere
- meeting rooms must be ready with furniture arrangement.
Otherwise all schools should give it a try.
Come Monday afternoon holiday starts and I can start keeping all my medical appointments and play my role as a mother........................until I next need to be in school which is TOMORROW. Now do you know why I need to retire?