Saturday, October 8, 2011

cheese dessert, my friend's style

This is a recipe a fellow teacher came up with after spending some time in Italy. She made it, we ate it, loved it, asked her for the recipe but no one knows what it is. But it has some similarity to tiramisu.

A packet of xhortbread biscuit, cut inti smaller pieces.
dipped in strong nescafe and lined on a 2 inch deep plate

Soften 250 g of cream cheese to room temperature,
beat it with 1/2 cup of whipping cream,
add 1 egg
1/2 a cup of caster sugar (or less if u don't have a sweet tooth)
a few drops of vanilla essence

Pour it over the biscuit. chill it as cold as u can but not frozen,

Before serving, sift cocoa powder over it.

Warning, it is lovely to taste but serve only a small portion as it tends to be very overwhelming

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