Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reflection from another's Blog

Just read a blog by a doctor on his involvement with HIV/AIDS patients as he walk in a war memorial. And it jolted my emotions.

We all have our spacial role to play in life.To me a child of Christ, I take it as my way to praise and thank Him for His blessings, my way of life with Him. To others, I pray that it becomes a way of life that we may leave a mark behind after we pass this way.

As we walk along life's path, we are destined to do great things. Some of us could, some of us didn't. If we couldn't invent a machine to stop war, or find a cure for a deadly disease, at least let us learn to love and care. And if we can't or don't know how to extend a hand or lend a hearing ear, at least don't step on others or hurt others.

Is it greed or just insecurity that make man have dangerous ambitions? Is it a wrong nerve triggered that make others enjoy sadistic acts? And is it an unconscious mind that hurt those around us? If it is, may we all say a prayer in our own faith for us and others to control our greed, manage our insecurity and to have a caring heart.

Life on earth is but a hundred years or less.It is so true that that we will leave the same way we came. Live it with our God given gifts, make a purpose in life, if we are to be remembered, may it be something positive Or at least not let someone rejoice at our going.

Happy New Year since it is still January and I feel good.

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