Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My 3 Kids

I have every reason to be a proud mum. Ever so often, I hear praises about my children. In school, teachers (with the exception of one kindy teacher, one year 6 teacher who told gory stories in class and a spinster who has a reputation to upkeep :) ) have only good things to say about them, friends always felt that they are good kids. Fair enough teachers have over the years learn to be diplomatic and friends normally do not complain about one's kids. But deep down, I always feel so blessed. I couldn't ask more more.

Academically they are not the cream ala cream but they are always near the top until they join the top most sorted careers.Well, they are not nerds or geeks but lead a balanced lifestyle. They know their limits and do not step over them.At times they are more diligent in their moral values (compare to me!)and are level headed in their views.

All I do nowadays is pray for them every night that they hear and obey His voice,that they do not bow down to pressure be it work or studies, and lastly they find the love of their life when the time is right.


Unknown said...

Great kids come from great parents =)

chua said...

Ha ha ha thanks. That's what I tell them and the father says yes, all his genes!

Adrian Yong said...

i'm going to hold you to your "the time is right" point. :)

chua said...

Aiyoh, every word oso take so serious ah!Maybe time is right aledi for sometime :p