Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Other Passion

I did it! I went back to knitting. 2 projects completed. A kimono sweater for my princess along with a cap to keep her ears warm.

Truthfully, not very happy with the kimono. Long time no knit, a bit rough on the edge. Of course, sweetiepie is so sweet about it an love it no ends. Luckily the cap turned out well or at least to my satisfaction. 4 balls left. Thinking of my next project. I personally finds knitting and crocheting very therapeutic and soothing to my character. ie quiet, focus and something I could do by myself at my own rate. Unfortunately, it is not the fashion nowadays.Hardly any one appreciates them. So need to look further.

1 comment:

Uncle Paul said...

Be glad that you have a princess that is smiley and appreciative of things done. It is a joy both to give and receive something that is made out of love. Somethings are valued because of the love and effort and because it comes from someone you love and who loves you.