Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This Time of Life

The family is at the time when the members comprise of an elderly one,a retiree, about to retire main wage earner, a new entry into the workforce, and 2 undergrads. So how is the sentiment?

The next few years should see major changes in the setup.As daddy approaches 55, I pray that he is as prepared as he claim to be for it.Working has been stressfull though he has bosses who always value him and respect him. ( the stress comes more from our sence of responsibility and not external). Though we are comfortable financially, it will take sometime to accept the fact that at month end, there will be no salary credited into the account.In exchange, quality of life especially health will be more peaceful. With that, we hope to catch up on the short courtship time that we so miss in our earlier days. Doing things together and maybe doing some travelling, picking up our hobbies like cooking.

All these will be more meaningful when we can get oueselves to let go of the children. Though Ad is working, as all parents, you think of the eventuality of losing a job, getting tricked, revolving round an unhappy working environment, not finding a good life partner and all other things that parents can think of.Finally you just say a prayer and leave all to Him.

After obtaining their degrees , you pray that the two younger ones made the right choice for their career. That they too will be happy, independent and maybe find their life's love.

As parents, you pray for them, then you remind yourself to let go and at times wonder if the little birds let go will come back. Knowing them, I guess they will but you also pray that you will not disrupt their lifes too much. What an irony to want and not to want. Hopes, prayers and wishes of a parent. So complicated and yet so simple. So much and yet so little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm as ready as ever to the changes in life. really looking forward to spend more time with the one n only loved. of course the other members too esp the princess.....