Thursday, July 23, 2009


I haven't written anything for the last 2 weeks. But plenty has been going on in my head.

First it was MJ's death. No, I am not particularly a fan of his though I admire his music and talent but his death did touches me. He is from my era,(2 years younger) and it got u thinking that in death, all is equal. Again not that we never heard of that statement, but his death is a reminder. You can be rich and famoas but at death, it is still sorrow and pain for those who love you and you are just as venerable to it as the next guy.

Next was TBH's death. . Once again, I am not looking at it at a political point but it hits because you realise that age does not matter. When He decides it is time to go, you just go. At 30, he belongs to my children's generation.So you sit down and think about his parents, theirs feelings, their thoughts and the emotions of his fiancee. As a parent one can relate to their pain.

Then I was reading a book (can't remember the title nor the author) that talks about being quiet, taking things slowly, going back to nature, switching off the TV and generally breathing deeply. I noticed that after the era of fighting for a cause, going all the way for your belief, aiming for the best, the trend is now to slow down.Now one talk about money not being everything, taking things easy to have a fullfilled life etc etc.If I am not mistaken, both beliefs came from the west. So what should it be? I personally believe how we approach life depends on our age, our capabilities , our health, priorities amongst other things.There is no right way or wrong way for that matter.It is how we interpret it that makes the difference. Still remember a 'falsafah' lecturer back in varsity that claims that the question for the paper is always the same every year but the arguement and answer should change.

So bottom line is don't let things get you down. There are always sad news, dissappointments, hurting statements and negarive vibes around. That is more reason for us to conciouslly be positive, laugh, smile and push aside those who carries negative energy.

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