Monday, March 23, 2009

Ups and Downs

In life there got to be ups and downs. and they say that one need to have downs to appreciate the ups.

Well today I feel.Maybe its PMS or is it Menopausal symptoms or is it just one of those days. Nothing really bad or disastrous but it just made me feel down

When I went for my denture fittings the second time this morning, the good doctor just couldn't get it fitted in well. When he finally could get it in after one full hour, he wasn't satisfied. He didn't want me to take it and pronounced that I need to get another dentist. Like I say, nothing disastrous but it sound something like, I have no cure for you. Now I guess I have a better picture of how patients feel when doctors gave them bad news.

Well if all goes well, this day should help me to appreciate another day that is good.

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