Friday, March 6, 2009

healthy health and being chicken

OK OK OK, I can practically hear the comments... When she blogs she puts on a few blogs at one go and then she will disappear for a period. Well that's me when it comes it pours. ha ha ha.
February sees me giving attention to my health.
Started with my blood test and ultrasound of my womb(do you know it is torture having a full bladder and having the radiologist pressing on your abdomen?) followed by the face to face with my physician and the gynaecologist. That accounts for 4 trips to UH.Result.. Cholesterol is slightly over the border( doctor thinks it is due to CNY and I believe so too with all the oysters, scallops, prawns and all the rich food). Action... on the treadmill everyday for approximately 1.5 to 2.5 km over a period of 20 to 30 minutes. Hope to increase as the days go by.
Next 3 fibroid are seen and a new procedure (introduced to M'sia for the first time in January 2009) is recommended. Forget the medical term. I need to be lying face down, still, fully conscious for 3 hours. Ultrasound will be used to kill the 3 little bumps and then I get to go home. Simple non invasive, safe blah blah blah.says the Doctor. Yes I agree but lying still for 3 hours? I wish I could be fully sedated!
Finally went for my dreaded dentist visit and had one filling done and a spare denture. I have a dentist who is so caring, soft spoken, patient, gentle, understanding( he has to listen to my expression of fear every time I visit him and he still assures me and calm me down as if I am a 5 year old ) Thank you Dr, Mak.
All that done, time to look into the finance since hoping daddy will retire at 55, planning financial freedom and hoping for enough porridge to last us through. A good reason to be slim and fit as we approaches ooooooold age.
Not forgetting beloved LL's wedding in May. Shopping for presents, clothing again and welcoming a nephew-in law to the family.

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