Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Having live with her for 26 years listening to her complains, scoldings, swearing and all else help me to know her through and through. I know what are the things she is capable of including dealing with charms and all these is so frightening.

All these years I hear her scolding and targets of her scolding and swearing includes mtself, my parents, ,my siblings, her siblings, her relatives, her inlaws and practically everyone that comes along her way. How she tries to turn their children against their parents. How she was the saviour of everyone and everything.

I ignored all these for 26 years. Now the spear is coming nearer ans nearer. it is approaching my children and that means ultimately me.

At this instant I am just very tired.


djun said...

Hmm, after so many years, i would have thought that you have learned to ignore her. we cant please everyone and ppl will definitely have bad intentions towards you. but most importantly is the faith that those who stand with you can stand against it and you, yourself, no longer need to care of her words. sticks and stones may break my bones but never words.

chua said...

thank u for the words. easier said than done to ignore cuz we are so human. Having said that, we will still try for that is the right way for our own sanity. having those close to you standing by oneself also helps a lot and for that, thanks again.