Monday, June 1, 2009

Praying for a peaceful week.

So many things have been happening the last 2 weeks. Family members, in-law, nieces, my health both physical and mental stress. Well things are calmer this week though it is just the start. Like the countries economy ,I hope it has bottom out or at least if not out, let it go through a correction factor so that I can breath. (wow my stock broker sifu aka my only brother in law should be proud of my usage of 'economical' terms!


djun said...

Amen! We can't control the way the world goes round but let us have the peace of mind.

Anonymous said...

we cannot control the outside world, but we can control the way we react to the situation. we have choice. everyday when we wake up, we can choose to have good or bad mood for the day . the choice is yours, so choose to have good mood everyday.... ha..ha..ha...