Thursday, January 8, 2009

2 Special Ladies

There were 2 ladies in my life that I would like to pay tribute to. Our encounter was brief but they left an everlasting impression.
In the year 1979 when I first step into a rural school to take up my first posting, I got to meet with JL. She was a thin willowy lady with such burst of energy. She laugh and talk direct from her heart and of course that do not go down well with some. But to me, she was the lady who took me under her care, picking me and sending me home. I was that 21 year old ignorant new teacher. In the 7 miles journey thro and fro school everyday, I got to know the sad side of her life. A child who was dying and under the care of parents miles away. When the child did die, she spend minimum time away and came back telling me that she will always love him and he will always be that special first born to her. That was the only 5 minutes I saw her crying. Years later during one of my early meetings as a HEM, I met up with her again.Without a hesitation, she (being a HEM much earlier)took me in and was there to advise and help.I actually remembered her bringing me back to her home to take an afternoon nap in her daughter's room during the meeting and making me refresh myself, towels and soap provided.I remember her for the direct and sincere care she show without any second thoughts.She appear out of the blue and disappear in the same manner but the short time we had presented me with such lasting appreciation of her care. God bless u JL where ever you are. I didn't get to say it then but thanks for all that you shared and gave.

PS. In my second year of teaching, I was relocated to BB (supposing a better urban school) New to the staff room, I was seated in front of PS, 12 years my senior but a history teacher who loved her job. She was a mentor and taught me how to show and accept praise gracefully, how to differentiate envy and jealousy, how to be a graceful lady.She make sure others know the dedication I show to the profession. She shared her precious recipes (she love cooking) and I learn so much about cooking and baking from her.She even had a party for me when I got registered. Again she was someone who gave with no mention of getting back. I naturally became her little sister. Again I didn't get the chance to say Thank You before she goes off my life.My sincere thanks and may you receive as much blessing as you have given me wherever you are.

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