Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's day

A day for children to show appreciation and shower love on their mums.

Me ...... I am well blessed in that sense. My 3 precious gives me more than I expect with all their hugs, love and kisses at every occasion they can. What else can I ask for in this respect? I thank God for these 3 blessings. They are proof enough to me that He truly love and bless me.

Me ......... mother's day is a reminder of all the above and a stronger commitment to love them more.I love my 3 precious like there is no tomorrow.Hubby and children always do not allow me to exert myself to cook and iron for them. But to me I am fighting to cook and iron as much as I could for them. To me, I treasure every moment and day I have with them and so I want to do as much as I can for them.I am so scared of the day when I can't do all these for them.

I may be your champion mum but you all are my 3 trophies. I love you Adrian, Edmund and Audrey. I Thank God for the chance to be your mum.


Unknown said...

WOW!!! "I may be your mum but you all are my trophies!!! How beautifully said! *hugs* Happy belated mother's day to you, Mrs Yong! =D

chua said...

Thanks Jue. I am sure all mums think alike, just that I put it in words. It would be wonderful to have a daughter like you. muaks