Wednesday, August 3, 2011

4 am Thoughts


That has been a long long time since I last blog.As anticipated, has been a very very busy year to date.(remember talking about it right after CNY)

Renovation is top on the list. It is nearly completed but still a long way more to go before it can be called a home it is meant to be.The process brought about physical exhaustion, mental anguish, personal satisfaction, thankfulness to Him for providing the people and the means and everything else. Now is the time to look forward to moving back, settling in,filling in the gaps and then moving on to other things that has been put aside and postponed the last 8 months.

Next, sweetie pie has been back 2 months and is already preparing to leave again.Where did the days go?Enjoyed every moment I can with her and wished it was more.This time round the months will be more before I get to hug her again.With the eldest boy, I looked forward to our Europe trip where I could see him in December that year.This time round, no plans made.

The first is a plus, the second a negative. Do they cancel out? NO. unfortunately life and emotions are just not mathematics.A positive is a positive. and a negative will remain a negative and they will never met.

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