Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank You Lord

I have just came back from a follow-up checkup with my gynaecologist. It is good to know that after 6 months of medication and spending RM1K on it, my fibroids are officially gone. Otherwise imagine going through the surgical process of removing my womb which was suggested 6 months ago by another doctor.Both the doctors I believe have done their best in their ability to advice and it is up to me to make the final decision. For now I am happy with mine. Now to wait for my body to give me a quiet peaceful menopause.

In the last 6 months, from the first doctor to the second's D and C. I remembered waiting for the result fearing cancer that was mooted by the first doctor. I also remember thinking at that time what if I was awarded the big C.

I admit it was scary. I started to question myself if I was ready to leave my children. I started thinking deep and long about each and everyone of them including my husband. In a lady's life , the most important people are her children and her husband.(at least to me) When I found out that I was cleared, it was a big relief. But my thoughts didn't stop there.

Over the months, together with other happenings,I began to think of questions which includes whether I was ready to let go, should I let go, is it time to let go, are they ready to be independent. To whom am I letting them off to.What is my stand when they find their life long partner, where do I stand if they are caught between me and their spouses. I had the chance to discuss many of the answers with my chidren and I hope that if they need to, my thoughts will help them to go through certain times of their life.

At the end, I feel at ease that I have shared with them. it is now for them to take note and remember. (don't worry, if I change my mind, I will let them know too : ) )
All these helps me to realise many things, put them into thoughts and words, make certain decisions about my life and once again, thank you Lord, I now see Your reason for all that I am going through.


Unknown said...

Hi, found you blog while hopping !It's natural to fear the big 'C' and thankfully , you're fine. One can't help but think of so many things should the end be nigh. The love of our family and friends is one that keeps us strong in difficult situations

chua said...

Thanks for visiting Sunshine Girl. Yes, family and friends makes the difference and somethings they help tip the scale that little bit to make the whole big difference.So let's never underestimate the role we play.

Winnie said...

amen! *hugs*